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Abstract Submission Deadline 06 March 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline 02 May 2023

We are facing the threat of Climate Change globally. As a result, the world is adapting new arrangements in various spheres. It has been reported globally, that with changing climate, extreme weather events are changing their frequency and intensity. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, new tools are available to tackle the issue of extreme weather events with more precise predictability. The present proposal allows contributors to investigate the potential of exploring case studies of extreme weather events with the use of various datasets and modelling (using numerical and artificial intelligence).

This Research Topic aims to explore how changing climate is driving or impacting the extreme weather. Use of latest artificial Intelligence or machine learning methods for groundwater and extreme weather prediction are welcome. The aim is to understand better the capability of the advanced artificial intelligence approach for solving the predictability issues of changing climate at local, regional, and global scales. The case studies, long-term data analysis, and observational and modeling studies which explore these issues are welcome for contribution.

This call aims to collate studies focusing on climate change, extreme weather events, research using measurements and modeling. The studies involving the climate change impacts of aforementioned topics using data or modeling results are also welcome. Use of Artificial Intelligence, particularly for extreme weather events is encouraged. The goal is to help to improve the understanding of their implications for the environment and climate prediction.

1. In-situ and satellite measurements of extreme weather events
2. Artificial intelligence for prediction of extreme weather
3. Understanding the applicability of artificial intelligence methods for groundwater and extreme weather research
4. Case studies of extreme weather using satellite/in-situ/reanalysis or model simulations

Keywords: Climate Change, Extreme Rainfall, Artificial Intelligence, Extreme Weather Events

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

We are facing the threat of Climate Change globally. As a result, the world is adapting new arrangements in various spheres. It has been reported globally, that with changing climate, extreme weather events are changing their frequency and intensity. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, new tools are available to tackle the issue of extreme weather events with more precise predictability. The present proposal allows contributors to investigate the potential of exploring case studies of extreme weather events with the use of various datasets and modelling (using numerical and artificial intelligence).

This Research Topic aims to explore how changing climate is driving or impacting the extreme weather. Use of latest artificial Intelligence or machine learning methods for groundwater and extreme weather prediction are welcome. The aim is to understand better the capability of the advanced artificial intelligence approach for solving the predictability issues of changing climate at local, regional, and global scales. The case studies, long-term data analysis, and observational and modeling studies which explore these issues are welcome for contribution.

This call aims to collate studies focusing on climate change, extreme weather events, research using measurements and modeling. The studies involving the climate change impacts of aforementioned topics using data or modeling results are also welcome. Use of Artificial Intelligence, particularly for extreme weather events is encouraged. The goal is to help to improve the understanding of their implications for the environment and climate prediction.

1. In-situ and satellite measurements of extreme weather events
2. Artificial intelligence for prediction of extreme weather
3. Understanding the applicability of artificial intelligence methods for groundwater and extreme weather research
4. Case studies of extreme weather using satellite/in-situ/reanalysis or model simulations

Keywords: Climate Change, Extreme Rainfall, Artificial Intelligence, Extreme Weather Events

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

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